Category job process

healthy food choices

Tips for healthy eating

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
That was the theme of a nutrition workshop led by Garreth Smoak and Elizabeth Burt to encourage healthy weight loss. Smoak, a physical therapy assistant, has written a cookbook of healthy recipes. Burt lost 70 pounds by following a new healthy eating plan. I’m sharing strategies from their workshop.

LinkedIn logo

10 tips for your LinkedIn profile

Improving your LinkedIn profile is the topic University of Florida doctoral student Charlotte Bolch and I will be discussing as part of my talk on networking on the University of Florida’s Graduate Student Research Day. When I was invited by the Organization for Graduate Student Advancement and Professional Development (OGAP) to be the luncheon speaker, […]

Strategic Alliance at Podfest 2017

Networking at professional conferences

The opening big group session for Podfest 2017 in Orlando last week was called Strategic Alliance. The objective of the session was to help the more than 300 conference participants meet others attending the conference — and, hopefully, make at least a few strategic connections For almost two hours, we alternated between hearing short talks […]

small groups

5 strategies for improving classroom observations

As a faculty member, adjunct or teaching assistant, your teaching is observed by dozens and even hundreds of students in every class you teach. Observations by other teachers does not happen very often. When you are observed by other teachers, those observations are very important. Here are some reasons you would be observed: You’re nominated for a […]

7 Factors to consider as you prepare your teaching presentation for a campus visit

A doctoral student contacted me asking for my advice as she prepared for her first campus visit for a faculty position. Here’s the situation: They haven’t told me which class I’ll be teaching, but I wonder if I will create my own lesson or if the search committee will tell me to present on a certain […]

Tips for making a research presentation as part of a faculty job interview

A research presentation is part of most faculty job interviews. Here are answers to four questions to help you be prepared for your research presentation.

Seeking an internship — 5 factors to consider

I recently received an email from a student asking my advice about internships. As many college students are interested in having an internship, I thought my answer to her could be useful to others. From the student’s email: I am a rising senior this coming school year, and I only have 4 classes to take […]

Post-doc positions provide research and professional development

A major topic of discussion in my Mass Communication Teaching is the faculty job market. Doctoral students have asked about the possibility of post-doctoral programs as a job option. I’ve asked doctoral student Kelly Flowers to share some research she has done on post-doc positions. by Kelly Flowers Ph.D. student, University of Florida In an ideal world, […]

Tips for negotiating your salary when you’re offered a faculty job

You’ve received THE phone call. The dean (or director) has called to offer you the faculty job that you interviewed for. What are issues you should consider in negotiating the faculty job position? I’ve been asked that question by doctoral students who are in the job market, and I thought I’d share my advice in […]

Nadene Reynolds interviews Michaela Beeda

Job interviews: How to answer difficult questions

You have an appointment for a job interview, and you want to be ready. You’ve researched the company you are applying to. Your résumé is crafted for the specific job you are interviewing for. You have a professional interviewing outfit. You have determined the interview location so that you will be on time. You’ve rehearsed […]